Helping Agencies Manage and Protect Mission-Critical Data
Government agencies make critical decisions every day by leveraging data collected for their missions and programs – from environmental studies and advancing scientific research, to strengthening national security and improving public safety. However, massive amounts of unstructured data collected for programs creates data management and storage challenges for IT leaders, analysts, first responders, and scientists.
Quantum solves these challenges with end-to-end infrastructure solutions that enable agencies to manage, analyze, share, and protect their data – for finding patterns, deriving insights, and drawing connections for fast decision-making. Quantum understands that budgets, personnel, and technology expertise are finite resources. Our data lifecycle management helps agencies access reliable storage at a significantly lower TCO.
Our proven solutions offer high performance, low-cost capacity and fast data access designed to:
Efficiently ingest and manage vast amounts of unstructured data and high-res imagery.
Enable agile collaboration across agencies and geographies.
Secure and protect data from cybersecurity threats.
Preserve geospatial archives for decades for future intelligence and analysis.
Leverage the cloud as part of a hybrid-cloud deployment.
All while staying within tight budgets.
Featured Benefits
Quantum solutions enable agencies to extract value and insights with greater reliability and scalability, while reducing your total cost of ownership in budget conscious environments.
Data Management at Petascale
Quantum object storage, file systems, and data management software integrate with your information workflows to solve the proliferation of research, intelligence, imagery, and other unstructured data sets
Performance and Collaboration for Fast Insights
Collaboration is paramount when it comes to protecting and managing critical infrastructures. Our solutions deliver extreme data streaming performance for efficient collaboration and faster insights.
Low Cost Secure Long-term Data Preservation
Our archive solutions provide inherent security by way of encryption, multi-site protection, and secure offline storage, preserving the most important assets securely for decades.