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Advanced Reporting And Analytics

Advanced Reporting And Analytics

Generate and share a complete and comprehensive view of network performance, capacity, and utilization.

Advanced Reporting And Analytics

Pro-Active Network Insights

Drive a pro-active approach to solving network experience issues throughout your network infrastructure.

Leverage Enterprise-Scale Data

Consume and leverage network data at the volume, speed, and variety of sources that the enterprise generates.

Follow Best Practices

Built-in best practice reports and templates ensure your team is delivering error-free value back to the organization on day 1.

Optimize the Network

Automatically create base-lining and trending reports to ensure capacity problems don’t cause downtime or performance issues.

Advanced Reporting And Analytics

How It Works

Advanced Reporting

Report on N dimensions (application, user, site, device, segment, etc) and easily pivot reports to focus on key network performance intelligence

Deep Analysis

Correlate between IPFIX, Packets, API, and SNMP data to get a holistic view of network and application events.

Share and Collaborate

Create a comprehensive view of troubleshooting scenarios so that the entire resolution team understands the nature of an issue.

Use Cases for Advanced Reporting and Analytics

The problem with network data analysis is that it requires the review of an overwhelming amount of disparate information. Failure to perform and act on these reports could cause the organization to over-invest (or under-invest) in capacity and switching hardware to deliver a high availability network.

LiveAction Solutions provide an advanced analytics platform to provide reports and analysis on nearly every aspect of a network’s performance. Additionally, the correlation of data across multiple network domains such as WAN, LAN, Data Center, Cloud, etc., provide network management teams a cohesive big-picture view of performance metrics throughout their entire network.

Advanced Reporting Products:

Incident Response and Forensics

In the event of a security breach or other network incident, information is your most valuable asset. Utilize deep network intelligence to provide the network context of your security and incident response.

Custom Reporting for Baselining and Trend Analysis

Utilize the custom report builder to provide multi-dimensional analysis of application utilization, network utilization, and troubleshooting scenarios.

Soure : liveaction.com
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Mr.Công: 0889221188
Technical Contact:
Mr.Hiệp: 0886221166
Sale-channel Contact:
Mr.Long: 0916581818

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