Công Ty Cổ Phần Công Nghệ Nessar Việt Nam - Nessar


Public Clouds

Public Clouds

Stellar Cyber For Public Clouds

Stellar Cyber For Public Clouds

AI-Driven Security for Public Clouds

Do you know if your cloud servers are being attacked?


  • With public cloud services like AWS, Azure and GCP becoming popular choices for applications, sensitive data such as customer or subscriber information become highly attractive targets for malicious actors. Weaknesses in cloud security leave customers more susceptible to attacks, and cloud firewalls are simply not enough to secure your servers.
  • Hackers routinely run port scans against servers hosted on public clouds. Once an open TCP or UDP port is discovered, they can gain access through brute force attacks or vulnerabilities in your application.
  • After intruders steal your information or turn the server into a bot under their command, the damage is irreversible. All of this can and does occur right under the nose of a simple public cloud firewall.
  • Stellar Cyber’s Starlight platform detects intruders in minutes. Simply install our lightweight, software-only Stellar Cyber Agents on your servers and thoroughly monitor network traffic, file access, processes, and command executions with ease.