Công Ty Cổ Phần Công Nghệ Nessar Việt Nam - Nessar



Threat Analysis

Threat Analysis- Automatic analysis of crucial actions.

Threat Analysis

What it is

A solution dedicated to environment monitoring in order to detect and send real-time alerts of any suspicious action performed with privileged credentials, allowing the security team to prevent an ongoing attack.


  • Reduced response time to attacks;
  • Automatic blocking of stolen privileged credentials;
  • Visibility of threats associated with privileged accounts;
  • Access to all information associated with the incident.

How it works

A list of suspicious commands and behaviors in the environment is classified according to the level of risk. Whenever risk are identified, alerts are issued and consolidated on a graphic dashboard. The information security team can therefore take immediate action if necessary.


  • Graphic dashboards with risk and threat information;
  • Alerts with detailed information about the occurrence of suspicious activity;
  • Analysis of user sessions with record of abnormality in reports;
  • Audit, command alert and blocking, even for privileged users;
  • Recording of command input and output logs;
  • Command scoring according to the level of risk of each command;
  • Identification of lateral movement and privilege escalation;
  • Sending suspicious activity alerts to SIEM/SYSLOG.

Technical features

  • Self-learning of operating machine history and user behavior to identify any change that represents a threat;
  • Scoring, monitoring, alerting and command blocking based on whitelist and blacklist;
  • Automatic response for detection of threats without human intervention.
Source: senhasegura.com
View more solutions: nessar.net
Technical Contact:
Mr.Công: 0889221188
Technical Contact:
Mr.Hiệp: 0886221166
Sale-channel Contact:
Mr.Long: 0916581818

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