Công Ty Cổ Phần Công Nghệ Nessar Việt Nam - Nessar


Compliance and Audit

International information security management standard

International information security management standard.

ISO 27001- International information security management standard


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard 27001 is internationally recognized as the standard for Information Security Management System specifications. Being in compliance with this standard helps any organization meet obligations to clients and business partners.

For service providers, from cloud data centers to law firms, being able to operate requires certified responsibility for sensitive client information. Auditors around the world also rely on the ISO 27001 standard as the baseline for control assessment and compliance verification for a range of regulations and standards.

How can we help your company?

Senhasegura allows companies to implement all the controls contained in ISO 27001 related to security of privileged accounts. Its centralized management and reporting capabilities let IT professionals, auditors and certified staff easily verify the management and control of privileged accounts, thereby reducing the cost of these assessments.

Main Benefits

Benefits of senhasegura for ISO 27001 compliance:

Protects all system components through information processing facilities.
Allows the organization to meet legal requirements and controls over privileged accounts.
Decreases costs and time spent on security reviews, audits and ISO 27001 certifications. 
Increases awareness and visibility of the organization’s entire IT infrastructure.
Deploys ISO security control and meets a number of other security-related requirements for privileged accounts. 
Source: senhasegura.com
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Mr.Công: 0889221188
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Mr.Hiệp: 0886221166
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Mr.Long: 0916581818

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