Cybersecurity Automation Delivers Opportunity to Security Professionals
The debate about AI (automation) overtaking jobs continues.
But the stats are showing us that the opposite trend is working in our favor. Automation does not only augment and elevate the daily grind of security analysts and human pen-testers; in fact, it’s a critical component of a comprehensive and effective cybersecurity strategy.
A key takeaway from a recent Ponemon Survey is that automation and IT security personnel must work together as a team for maximum effectiveness. Here are some highlights from that study:
- 68% believe human involvement is important when using automation.
- 43% say automation has increased security personnel productivity.
- 42% saw benefits in using automation to increase threat analysis.
Automation inherently reduces complexity and overhead. It can also help offload mindless tasks that can free up a security analyst to focus on more strategic initiatives. Today, given the Goliath that is cyberthreats and ransomware, all organizations – small or large – need a helping hand in their security posture.
Ridge Security offers RidgeBot® — an automated pen-testing solution that can work hand in hand and complement the work of security teams. As a computer system, RidgeBot® never gets tired; it can relentlessly test and retest the target network at any given time. It never misses out on any single attack surface for inspection. It reduces the time it takes for a penetration testing from weeks to hours. And moreover, it generates consistent and consumable reports in real time.
For a comprehensive penetration testing, the optimal approach is to combine automation and human testing. Working with RidgeBot®, an experienced pen-tester can smartly choose the right pre-defined template, enable relevant plugins, intervene at critical moments, interpret the test results and sign off the test report — all with peace of mind.
In this way, the pen-tester can leverage the automated testing tool to set the baselines, so that they can focus on the critical assets that businesses can’t afford to risk with pure automation.
The study validates what we are finding in the field and with our customers:
- Cybersecurity automation provides opportunity for security professionals, with continuous testing that leaves no windows for breaches.
- Cybersecurity automation is an opportunity for pen-test service providers to improve productivity or serve more customers.
- Cybersecurity automation relieves the security analysts from tedious work to focus on more threat intelligence research and zero-day discoveries.