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Digital Sovereignty: The Precepts of Senhasegura According to an American Periodical

Digital Sovereignty

Digital Sovereignty

The Precepts of Senhasegura According to an American Periodical


Nomenclatures and acronyms are part of the routine of those who work in the technology area. Picture a physical archive room, the kind we see in movies and series set in hospitals or police departments, separated by a bookcase full of folders: when we get to the Privileged Access Management (or PAM) sector ⎼ look at one of them ⎼ we come across a file full of names and features that help us protect critical systems.

Under the theme “A meeting between security and efficiency”, the North American magazine Cybersecurity Review has published an article on the premises and services of senhasegura’s PAM in its most recent edition, explaining a little of the names and purposes of the mechanisms that make up the product, going through a brief explanation of the company’s history and ending with a success story. Within this entire trajectory, the goal of the article is to bring to light the mission of senhasegura to work on digital sovereignty and to defend the right to data protection of citizens and organizations, whether public or private, small or large, wherever they are.

Browsing Is a Must

Companies that were not born in the virtual environment need to migrate to this space for reasons of adaptation, brand positioning, maintenance of activities and relationship with customers. In a study performed by Statista (German market data research company) and published on Cuponation’s website, 4.66 billion people became active internet users in the first half of this year alone, which corresponds to 59.5% of the world population. With so many people consuming behind the screens, modern cybersecurity solutions – as is the case with PAM – are the walls of the corporate networks for those who provide services or leisure. 

That’s what Cybersecurity Review quotes: 

“In the ever-evolving digital landscape, cybersecurity is NOT a project anymore. In the wake of the changing digital trends and technological advancements, it is of survival for any company. The increasing cyber threats and other illicit activities make identity and access management (PAM) a crucial part of any business. The recent shift to remote work culture and increasing dependence on digital files made Privileged Access Management a focal point of every organization’s security model.

 Ineffective management of privileged access allows malicious agents to access a company’s critical information and exploit the same, threatening data privacy and aggravating security concerns. Traditional preventative cybersecurity approaches are no longer enough to withstand the rising tide of the cyber threat landscape. To deal with the current and emerging cyber threats, companies require next-generation solutions and defense capabilities, and São Paulo-based senhasegura is the one company excelling in addressing security challenges of organizations”.

Source: senhasegura.com
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